Hello, I am the super nerd lady =)
(Actually just a normal 23 year old chick that loves video games.)
I have written a few blogs with info and ramblings about the latest and greatest games that I am playing. Well, the list started to get long with blogs, so I decided to consolidate here a bit.
Since I am pretty much stuck in the house a majority of time, I decided to play games and put my reviews on here. My husband continues to bring home a variety of games to suit my tastes of the moment. Some are old, some are new. Some of em are great, and man do some stink, p-ewe!
Ok, enough cheese for now.
To get a little idea of the games that I like and a little bit more of a background, I will share a few games that I am currently playing (yes, some of them clearly fit into the "mostly girls play that" type of titles), as well as some of the games we have on our system that I get to toy with, systems we own, and games that I have played.
Ok, here goes.. as far as online MMO's-- I have played Everquest 1, Everquest 2, FFX-I, Star Wars Galaxies and WoW. Currently, EQ2 and WoW are still on my system. But, I am currently trying to get into betas for 2 MMOs. One, I doubt that I will be able to get in anytime soon.
Anyways, I am trying to get into beta for Vanguard, and RF Online. The above pic is one of the 3 factions that you are able to play in RFO. It is the melee fighter version shown. More info on RFO in another post though.
When I played EQ2 though, I was in a couple of high end guilds. My name was Cyren, and I was on the Mistmoore server orignally, before I moved to Grobb. I joined one of the top guilds worldwide there. Here is the sig that one of the guys in guild made me back in the day.

I was amoung the top attending for raids. But for me, family had to come first, and inevitably, it is what made me end up quitting the game entirely. Well, that, and a bunch of other things, but that is all explained in my
eq2 blog.
I have been considering trying out the Sims Online.. but.. eh, I don't know as of right now.
As far as the "normal" games.. I have Sims 2 + all the expansions, Age of Empires 3, Civilization 4, Half Life, Warcraft 3, Sim City 4, Quake 4, and something that I didn't see until yesterday (since my husband just likes to sneak stuff onto my computer more often these days "It has more room. ... It looks nicer on yours. ..." etc, etc.) Frozen Throne.
Now, it's a given that I do not always sit there and play some of these games for hours on end-- I am definately not the biggest RTS fan ever. But, I will try them, along with others, and post my reviews here.
We own: top of the line custom built PCs (I am spoiled and we like our toys.. all of which my husband built), Xbox, Playstation 2, Intellivision (yes, we still own that), Atari, Sega Genesis, Dreamcast, NES, and Super NES. I think that's everything. Well, just about, though, no it isn't every system. But that is our humble little setup. My husband is trying to get me to let him buy a 360, but I'm more excited about getting the Revolution (Nintendo) and/or the PS3.
I am playing 2 console games now.. We Love Katamari (obviously Playstation), and The Sims 2 for Xbox. I am looking forward to getting the new ddr style game coming out this month. I need to find the link to it, because I can't remember the name of it at the moment. It's a guitar one though.
I am a big fan of the music style games that came out. I am in the process of trying to get a Japanese Playstation. I like the music games that come out of there, as well as some of the weird out of the ordinary ones.
Anyways, I hope that gives you a little bit of an idea about me, and about what I intend to do on here. Don't be surprised if I often reference links to some of the better gaming sites to also look at.
Ok, my brain is jelly, it's time for tea and some more We love Katamari action =)