Touching base with EQ2

Well, after some thought, and the lack of other titles to chose from at the moment, I decided to take a peek back into EQ2. That probably sounds horrible being as that I write for the EQ2 side of Stratics. >< Flog me if you will.
They have done some good things for newer players. I logged in to see the new changes, and was pleasantly surprised. Actually, I was a bit envious that it wasn't like that when I played hardcore.
The screenie on the right is a good example of things that they have done- visually at least. They added the Japanese SOGA models to the game. It's a huge difference compared to the American version... Yes that is actually the same character in both screens-no modifications at all. It's crazy the difference when you look at it isn't it? Almost 2 completely different games looks wise.

I have been walking around and just questing a bit. I like writeing the walkthrus for games. It puts an anal retentive like me at ease a bit.
Anyways.. been doing that quite a bit these days..
Oddly enough, I may just keep the account active after all just to work with it.
Oh, there were, of course, new seasonal things out. I had sat on the account being active for awhile.. just screwing around. Then, I rememebered. If I didn't get this stuff now, I could most likely either a)never get it, or b)have to pay outrageous prices for it later. The stuff was cheap, but I bought tons of it. My EQ2 house looks like it has been hosed down with Christmas goodness.
Unfortunately there was one thing that I didn't have the time for... well, more like didn't have the energy for. At one point, I asked when the stuff was supposed to go away- this was a few days ago, but the Christmas garb had been out over a month now. Then, someone told me that it would be going down when the patch came in in a few hours. I scurried my cute little bard ass over there to go see what I had to do. Of course, there were no walk-thrus posted =/
It was an easy quest to do. But long, with many steps and subquests in it. It took me a little bit of time to complete it.
I asked Anj to load it up on the other computer and run it with me. But, after DoF came out, we were so pissed, that he deleted it completely off of my old system. So, I couldn't run it twice. The reward was a house item though. It reduced status, wasn't tradeable, and there were two possible available- a Quenos (goodie) based one, and a Freeport (ebil) based one. I just took the Freeport one. It looked cool in my room too. It was a rather large snowglobe.
Anyways, I have been working like a busy little bee doing writeups and things. It's time to get back to break time though. Kudos!
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