This episode: So sorry to disappoint you.. + dusting off the ole FFX-2

So, you think I just fell off the planet and got sucked into the real world huh? Where's all the colorful commentary about the latest games I promised huh?
Well, to answer the questions a little bit... Eeep! I'm human. But I didn't forget all of you kiddies. No, I have been working my little butt off trying to write some articles for Stratics recently. That, and of course, playing with my pre-Christmas toys =)
I admit, I have been sitting on my laurels a bit these days. Plopped in front of the boob tube watching the latest contraversies on television, and playing on my PS2.

You thought that I was talking about the new Xbox 360 huh? Nope, you lose. I haven't really ever been a fan of the almighty Xbox personally. We have one here, but I find the titles to be much better on the PS consoles. Oh, and nothing really "good" came out with the Xbox 360-- least nothing that I would really be interested in playing; with the exception of Perfect Dark Zero of course.
I'll save our cash for those more interesting systems.. the coveted PS3 and the innovative Nintendo Revolution. By then, the taxes will have come in as well, so we will have our gloriously delicious new big HDTV to play on. Man I love kids at tax time =)
So, in the meantime, I have been killing a bit of time dusting off an "old" favorite of mine. Something, that, sad to say, I never got to finish because the MMO world sucked me in before I could.

I've been playing Final Fantasy X-2. Yes, insert the macho girly remarks. I know that many guys didn't care for this since the only characters you get to use happen to be all female. The songstress dresspehere as well... not too many men that I know of don't get teased if they chose to play a bard type character. (I am biased of course though)
I must admit, that the way that the storyline and things are set up though,I could see that angle... as they do somewhat appeal to a more feminine type of audience.

My favorite part in the entire game has to be of course, the massage session with LeBlanc. Oh man is that chick hot. And then you get to hear her moan in ecstasy as you get the spots right... Oh my gosh, my bi side is showing now.

I like the game though, and think it has great replay value. I know that in my first attempt, I missed out on getting the Trainer dresssphere because I didn't have the faction for it. I also missed the mascot (since I didn't get 100% completion) and Lady Luck. I had gotten the book when I got the game, but refuse to look in it unless absolutely necessary.
Regardless, it is cheap now. I think if you haven't played it yet, it is definately worth looking into. And, if you have, it's worth dusting off until the next Final Fantasy chapter comes out. Damn those lucky lucky Japanese eh?)

So what did I get pre-Christmas? Well, I will be writing reviews on it in the coming days. Just to name a few: Para-Para Paradise (that was actually a birthday present, but I got to play it finally recently.. horray Japanese import PS2 =), Guitar Hero, Resident Evil 4, Dragon Warrior, a bunch of Tycoon games, and the list goes on. (Yes, I am spoiled rotten.)
I was going to write the review already for Guitar Hero but, have had some family things going on. Well, after all this is Christmas and I have kids. Yeah yeah, sue me.
Don't fret though. I will be back in buisness shortly. Hopefully something will be up by Friday at the latest (well, other than this =p)
I'm off to play me some Tabloid Tycoon now. Happy Holidays folks.

*Edit-upon looking for images to add to this edition, I ran across a Japanese version of X-2 called International Last Mission. So, I decided to lace this edition with a couple of samples of some screenshots from the game. Damnit, now I have to learn Japanese faster! I swear, the more import games I see from there, the more I wish that I just lived in Japan and knew the language already. You miss out so much in the states it's not even funny. Boo hoo! Wa wa!
Ok, I'm over it now. Anyways, enjoy =)
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