Alas, I haven't forgotten...+ game reviews soon to come

I have been disappearing a bit here and there.. but never fear! Na is still here. I haven't forgotten my wonderful readers. I mean, you put up with my jabbering... you have to be great folks. In the time that has passed since our last episode I have written a few articles for Stratics. Articles ranged from password protection to reviews. Of course, how could I possibly keep my mouth shut when asked for my opinion on a game? Would you guys and gals have it any other way? Shh don't answer that.

In addition to some of the usual extended family drama, I have also started a couple of projects. Yes, some personal endeavors that have kept me sidetracked a bit. I am working on my artist portfolio as well as a gaming site. My dh and I purchased the domains, so now it just comes to the grunt work. I know I know... you just wish that you could be having this much fun.
Besides my side projects, my daughter should be here within a month now. It is scary in a way. My daughter will be the most beautiful creature (boys stay away)... the best of both worlds or at least we can hope. Perhaps that sounds a bit pretentious. But, there is nothing wrong with me being proud of my children in my eyes. So neener!
The pictures in this episode's post are from ROSE Online- my latest obsession. My ROSE review written for Stratics can be viewed off the link on the right. I think it was a given that I really liked it because of my current myspace layout- but nonetheless... this game is too far not marketed enough for how good it is. I'm happy to give this game as much props as I possibly can. More is soon to come. Enjoy =)

Also, I was told that a little known MMO called DOFUS created by Ankama Studios won some awards recently. It is a tactical MMO that looks beautiful as well graphics wise. The game also as an added bonus, requires no subscription fee to play. This is definately worth a peek at the very least. If I wasn't so busy with ROSE, I would devote some time to trying out this one as well. The best part about both of these MMOs- besides the beautiful anime style graphics has to be the fact that they are both currently offering free trials. ROSE is offering a free 7 day/ 35 hr trial for their game which can be gotten here. DOFUS is free all the time to my knowledge. So take a look for yourself... you have absolutely nothing to lose.
I have played a few games as well in the meantime. Among them were Tales of Legendia, Grandia 3, and Shadow Hearts 3. I will get to reviews shortly. I'm actually kicking myself that they haven't been done yet. This is one area where I really wish that Stratics covered (consoles) so that I could get those opinions out there. Alas, that is what this blog is for I suppose- at least for the time being.
I bought the new Sims expansion- Open for Buisness. The game was sucking my life away. It is an excellent expansion that I will highly recommend. Given how much I love the Sims series, you can be assured that a review will be posted.
I was a bit disappointed to learn that the new Katamari game was only going to be available for the PSP. To be completly honest, as far as handhelds are conserned, I am in favor of the Nintendo DS. Not because I currently own one (My dh was given one from a conference but it went to Ebay sadly... ah Christmas money for the kids =/), but because of the titles available. Argueably, it is the "girly" handheld of choice. I would tend to agree to an extend as well.
I bought my husband Oblivion this week. The graphics are amazing. A review for this one will also be in the works at a later time.

I am going to be picking up a copy of the new Harvest Moon in a few days. That little known title should be something fun. It has strong emphasis on crafting. I guess that I am a masachist. Games like this one just seem to have an odd draw to me. Perhaps it is because there are so few of them out there like it.
I will also direct you to the list of work that I have done- shown on the sidebar. I have written more articles than this for Stratics in the past- but I have decided to keep a more up to date listing here for your reference. Please feel free to check back every now and again to see if there are any new links added. Rest assured, despite my lack of posting on here as much as I would like, it doesn't mean that I have dropped off the gaming planet and /gasp become "normal" at all. Back dated articles will also become available as I dig up the links.
More games are coming out in the next weeks. But I will try and post about them when I can. Again, I thank you all once so very much for your patience.
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