in this episode- proof! just showing myself finally!
So I know that I have been very touch and go these days. I originally wanted to blog once a week... and it has turned into once a month now. I get sucked into a video game or into the real world.
Oh well, life happens.
I'm back from vacation though so I will get back to my normal routine of video game madness. I'm not sure what I will review just yet. I have a ton of stuff that I never did, I guess that I can start with that first.
For some of you that don't know by now, I have become the portal manager for the Gods and Hero's end of Stratics. We are going to be having podcast interviews with members of the dev team (no, that is not my voice in the first podcast... very funny har har har) and some other fun stuff. We held a caption contest for some betas while I was on vacation and it went spendidly. Malyss from Stratics and Chris from PE really did a great time organizeing some things for us.
I will be back to that busyness now. Ah the joys of work.
Speaking of which... I also noticed that I seriously need to update my list of links of published articles from back when E3 was going on. Geezus. Well, I will dig those out of the archives on the forums.. or if you love me that much you can look for em too =) My alias on there is Cherry.
I never did get to snag those pix off my cousin's computer from E3. She doesn't know how to send them all to me, and it has been too crazy here to call and talk her through it. In time... perhaps by next E3. Gah I hate slacking. That's a bit of hypocrisy there but I am the supernerdlady so I can get away with it.
I was told that I should make a cameo over at the SOE Block Party on Wednesday by some friends. Since it is all of 15 mins away from the house, I don't think that would be a bad idea. I guess I can steal myself away from Comic Con for the Free Shuttle. All I gotta say, is it better be good foos!
But anyways, as a treat due to my slack-ass-ness, or more like a punishment if you would like to view it as that, I'm going to post a picture of myself here so that I can hotlink myself for my profiles. So, for your viewing enjoyment/torture, here are some pictures of yours truly. Children, hide your eyes, this may be too frightful a sight. And no no no I swear that I didn't just gank them from some random girl. I'm not that pathetic. So, without further ado... yours truly~ moi
Oh well, life happens.
I'm back from vacation though so I will get back to my normal routine of video game madness. I'm not sure what I will review just yet. I have a ton of stuff that I never did, I guess that I can start with that first.
For some of you that don't know by now, I have become the portal manager for the Gods and Hero's end of Stratics. We are going to be having podcast interviews with members of the dev team (no, that is not my voice in the first podcast... very funny har har har) and some other fun stuff. We held a caption contest for some betas while I was on vacation and it went spendidly. Malyss from Stratics and Chris from PE really did a great time organizeing some things for us.
I will be back to that busyness now. Ah the joys of work.
Speaking of which... I also noticed that I seriously need to update my list of links of published articles from back when E3 was going on. Geezus. Well, I will dig those out of the archives on the forums.. or if you love me that much you can look for em too =) My alias on there is Cherry.
I never did get to snag those pix off my cousin's computer from E3. She doesn't know how to send them all to me, and it has been too crazy here to call and talk her through it. In time... perhaps by next E3. Gah I hate slacking. That's a bit of hypocrisy there but I am the supernerdlady so I can get away with it.
I was told that I should make a cameo over at the SOE Block Party on Wednesday by some friends. Since it is all of 15 mins away from the house, I don't think that would be a bad idea. I guess I can steal myself away from Comic Con for the Free Shuttle. All I gotta say, is it better be good foos!
But anyways, as a treat due to my slack-ass-ness, or more like a punishment if you would like to view it as that, I'm going to post a picture of myself here so that I can hotlink myself for my profiles. So, for your viewing enjoyment/torture, here are some pictures of yours truly. Children, hide your eyes, this may be too frightful a sight. And no no no I swear that I didn't just gank them from some random girl. I'm not that pathetic. So, without further ado... yours truly~ moi

Hi there Na (or whatever your name may be!).
Just passing through, visiting everyone who left a comment on [GAS] in the last 24 hours.. I got over 16000 unique visitors from the blogger front page during that time, kind of crazy hey?!
I hope we'll see more of you soon.
Kiltak [GAS]
HI there!
I was just passing by your blog...
En un principio no pensé dejarte algún comentario, pero al ver tu foto me vi persuadido a hacerlo. (yup that was spanish for I'm mexican. in more or less words the translation to english is the following: I wasn't going to write any comment here, but I was pretty convinced to do it for one reason: you're a pretty good looking girl, and, of course, you got a pretty cool blogspot here!! another thing: sorry for my terrible english!)
hi there!
I like your upper, you are a super pretty nerd lady!
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